- Definitions:
“Document” or “the present document” – means the present Terms and Conditions;
“The company” or “the organization” – is Plastit Group S.A.;
“Website” or “This website” – is https://plastitgroup.com;
“Code of conduct and Business ethics” – is the Code of conduct of Plastit Ro. through which the company underlines its commitments in conducting its activities and in following its interests and can be find at “Visitor” or “user” – natural person on its behalf or on behalf of a legal person that visits the website; “personal data” – means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; - Introduction. General terms. Acceptance of this document
2.1. The company undertakes to conduct its activities and to follow its interests by legal and ethical means. Regarding our values and principles, Plastit Group S.A. is committed as stated in the document Code of conduct and Business ethics – https://Plastit Group.ro/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Cod-de-conduitasi-etica-in-afaceri-Plastit Group-S.A.-Eng.pdf.
2.2. The present document states the Terms and Conditions for visiting and using this website.
2.3. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the website and if you do not agree to any of these Terms, please do not use the website. By accessing and using the site, you agree
to observe this document and the Code of conduct and Business ethics mentioned above.
2.4. You may use this site only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. You may not use the Site in ways that could impair its operation or to infringe the rights of third parties, other users, visitors, stakeholders or data subjects.
2.5. This document may be amended or updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices regarding the terms and conditions for using this website. The last updated version shall apply accordingly. Amendments will become effective as soon as they are published on the website. Your continued use of the website after such changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes. - Website purpose
3.1. The purpose of this website is for the visitors, especially companies (legal person) to have an overview on Plastit Group S.A. activities, field of competency and our values.
3.2. Of secondary importance is the scope of applying for a job in the “Careers” Topic on the website. - Website access and proprietary. Rights. Other links
4.1. Plastit Group S.A. is the sole proprietary of this website and is controlled by Plastit Group S.A..
4.2. The content of the website, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, logos, videos, is the property of PLASTIT GROUP and is protected by copyright and other intellectual and industrial property rights stated in applicable local laws and worldwide laws and treaties. Except as specifically stated:
- none of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form;
- there isn’t any express or implied right or license to you under any intellectual or industrial rights, trade secret data or other rights of Plastit Group S.A. or of any third parties, without Plastit Group’s prior written permission.
4.3. Please note that the website may contain other proprietary or rights notices information that must be observed.
4.4. By reading this document you agree to comply with all laws in your use of the website and to prevent any unauthorized copying of the data stated in art. 4.2..
4.5. If there are links to other websites or social media pages or others alike, the terms and conditions stated in those said websites or pages shall apply accordingly and Plastit Group S.A. waives any liability regarding your access and use or any effect whatsoever of accessing or using those links.
- there isn’t any express or implied right or license to you under any intellectual or industrial rights, trade secret data or other rights of Plastit Group S.A. or of any third parties, without Plastit Group’s prior written permission.
5. Privacy protection – Non-disclosure. Cookies Policy
5.1. Plastit Group S.A. collects, uses and processes personal information in the context of the “Website purpose” stated in Chapter 3 and in accordance with national and international legal provisions, with our Code of Conduct and Business ethics and especially with our Privacy protection – Nondisclosure and Cookies Policy.
5.2. By using the website, you consent to the collection, use and processing of personal data in accordance with art. 5.1..
6. Liability
6.1. In accordance with the applicable law, in no situations will Plastit Group S.A. or its employees or managers be liable to you or any other third party, party, user, visitor, data subject, stakeholder for any direct or indirect costs, expenses, damages or any other alike arising out of the use of/ inability to use/other cases regarding the website, the data or content available on the website or any link as stated in art. 4.5.. This applies to you or any other third party, user, party, visitor, data subject stakeholder or other individual or legal person, entity, private or public authority/institution.
6.2. You shall be the sole responsible and liable for the use, download and access of the data, content or other alike and we recommend to take precaution measures for preventing are free from danger
(malware, viruses, malfunction of the system etc.).
7. Validity. Governing law. Contact
7.1. The invalidity of one or more of the provisions of this document or the documents mentioned in the present document shall not affect validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof and any such invalid provision shall be deemed to be severable and this will be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof had not been contained therein. Moreover, in case of such invalid provision, Plastit Grup. may consider the provision as valid if it is construed in the context of the present documents and the documents stated in the present and in respect of the lawful limits.
7.2. The governing law shall be the Romanian law. Any disputes arising from or in connection with the present document and its content shall be set in an amicable manner and in case the parties cannot agree on the solution, the dispute shall be submitted to the courts of justice in Oradea, Bihor County, Romania.
7.3. For more information, possible querries or for exercise of said rights you are invited to lodge the dully signed and dated applications to our company at our headquarter’s address or on e-mail at info@plastitgroup.com